Home of the Mustangs

Our Vision

Mustangs moving forward towards excellence.

Central Elementary continues to keep safety at the forefront for all our staff and students. We will maintain locked front doors to assist in this effort.  

Our school number is 575.527.9496. Someone is always in the office to answer and allow you to enter and assist you with whatever you may need. Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Welcome to Central Elementary!!!!! Home of the Mustangs!   

We are the best elementary school in Las Cruces.  Your child will have the best school experience and education in the district.  Our school is the smallest in the district, which allows us to do more for our students.  We are a very proud and closely knit community where all our teachers and staff know each student by name.   

Parents and visitors, you are always welcome, however, due to covid safety practices, parents/guardians will not be able to enter classrooms at this time unless arrangements have been made with the classroom teacher.  

Check-in procedures require you to show an ID at the front office. This will generate a pass that will be visible to all staff, so they know you have officially checked in. Staff and student safety is our #1 priority. 


School begins at 7:55 a.m., however, to help our working families, we allow students in our building at 7:40 a.m. Classes start promptly at 8:00 a.m.  A student is considered tardy at 8:05. Our doors will close at that time, and you will need to call the office number so we can open the door for your child(ren). 

Every morning we have students dropped off four different ways.  

  1. We have our bus riders, which get dropped off at 7:30 am on the north end of playground.   

  2. We have our normal drop off and pick up lane.  Parents should slow down and watch for students crossing and being dropped off.  Parents and students should be ready to exit the vehicle promptly. 

  3. We also have the El Paso Electric parking lot, which parents can park and walk their children to the school.  There is always a crossing guard to help your children get to school safely. 

  4. Some of our students walk to and from school every day. 


We recognize that children are sometimes too ill to attend school.  Parents should notify the school when his/her child will be absent by calling the office, 575-527-9496.  The school encourages parents to ensure their student attends school on a regular basis to maximize his/her learning and to increase his/her chances of having a successful school career. 


Breakfast in the classroom is provided daily from 7:45-8:15 a.m. 


We begin dismissal at 2:40 p.m. 

  1. Bus riders will be picked up from class and walked to the buses.   

  2. El Paso Electric parking lot pick-ups will be called first.  

  3. Pick-up lane students will be called after the El Paso Parking lot students are called.   

Students should have a daily routine for getting picked up or leaving from school. We cannot deviate from that routine unless there is a signed written note from the parent notifying us of that change. Parents and/or your designated contacts will be called if your child is not picked up promptly after school. 

BUS Behavior 

Bus disruptions, deliberately or inadvertently interfering with the safe operation of a school bus which is stopped or moving; behaving in a manner adversely affecting an individual or any property on or near the bus itself, at bus stops, or at pick-up areas will result in a progressive discipline which could result in suspension from using the bus.   

Playground Expectations 

Students are expected to: 

  • Follow all teacher/staff directions. 

  • Stay within the playground area. 

  • Play nicely, and be respectful of adults, each other and themselves. 

 Students are not allowed to: 

  • Show physical aggression of any kind.(fighting, rough play, wrestling, pushing/tripping.  

  • Play games that include physical contact (i.e. tackle football). 

  • Throw rocks, sand or other objects. 

  • Use verbal aggression of any kind.  Be rude, or use vulgar language. 

  • Stand or sit on tables, Climb trees. 

 Equipment Expectations Students are expected to: 

  • Follow all rules on the equipment. 

  • Be considerate of everyone playing on the equipment. 

 Students are not allowed to: 

  • Jump off or play tag on the equipment. 

  • Play on any piece of equipment that has mud puddles or standing water beneath them.